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Blog Archive

Friday, July 31, 2020

Public Key Cryptography + Elgamal Encryption Scheme + JAVA

Public Key Cryptography w/ JAVA (tutorial 05) - Elgamal Encryption Scheme = (version 2.0)

00:06 demo a prebuilt version of the application 

07:43 Elgamal Encryption Scheme summary 
09:57 Elgamal Encryption Scheme proof 

11:19 code the application 
11:34 setup the project for using JSON 

13:55 code the server side of this app. (Server and ServerThread classes) 
15:42 how ServerThread handles incoming JSON messages 
16:59 how can passive eve use the discrete logarithm problem to decrypt messages 

18:38 code the client side of the app. 
23:16 methods for encrypting and decrypting messages 

23:40 method to handle setup phase 

24:39 method to handle incoming JSON messages 

25:23 method to handle sending JSON messages 

27:11 test run completed app.

quickly download, import into Eclipse, and run zip file for
'Public Key Cryptography w/ JAVA (tutorial 05) - Elgamal Encryption Scheme'


Public Key Cryptography + DHKE w/ Encryption + JAVA

Public Key Cryptography w/ JAVA (tutorial 03) - DHKE w/ Encryption = (version 2.0)

00:06 demo a prebuilt version of the application
01:45 deterministic encryption scheme
03:00 probabilistic encryption scheme

03:33 code the application
04:03 go over the packages and classes that make up this app.

06:14 setup the project for using JSON

06:46 code the server side of this app. (Server and ServerThread classes)
09:59 how ServerThread handles incoming JSON messages

10:50 code the client side of the app.
12:14 methods to turn character to ascii and ascii to character
13:14 methods for setting up and sending encrypted communications

16:05 method to initialize the domain params p and alpha
17:24 method to obtain secret key and calculate and send public key
17:58 method to calculate the common key

18:17 methods for encrypting and decrypting messages

19:44 method to handle incoming messages

20:37 how ClientThread handles incoming JSON messages

21:47 code this Client's handlePreCommunicate method
(initialize domain params + calculate public key + calculate common key)

22:31 code this Client's handleCommunicate method
(turn message to ascii + encrypt ascii + send encrypted ascii message)

23:34 test run completed app.

quickly download, import into Eclipse, and run zip file for
'Public Key Cryptography w/ JAVA (tutorial 03) - DHKE w/ Encryption'


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Class Scheduling Application (03) + Genetic Algorithm + Python

 Class Scheduling Application (03) w/ Genetic Algorithm & Python = (version 2.0)

Class Scheduling Application (03) with Genetic Algorithm & Python

00:07 refactor code from Class Scheduling Python Application 02 
00:53 add database handling of instructor availability 

02:14 add code handling and display of all scheduling 
conflicts including instructor availability 

08:55 add ability to run in either verbose or default mode 

09:15 add interactive command line functionality 

10:40 test run application 

15:20 change input data coming from sqlite 
database and re-test run application

quickly download, setup, and run
'Class Scheduling Application (03) + Genetic Algorithm + Python'


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Public Key Cryptography + Elgamal Digital Signature + JAVA

Public Key Cryptography + Elgamal Digital Signature + JAVA = (version 2.0)

00:06 demo a prebuilt version of the application 

06:14 Elgamal Digital Signature summary 
08:16 Elgamal Digital Signature proof 

10:24 code the application 
10:42 setup the project for using JSON 

11:04 go over the packages and classes that make up this app. 

12:41 code the server side of this app. (Server and ServerThread classes) 
14:16 how the server forwards messages from 
Alice to Bob and the other way around 

15:30 how ServerThread handles incoming JSON messages 
16:10 what Discret Logarithm Problems does Eve needs to 
solve in order to sign messages as being Alice or Bob 

17:15 code the client side of the app. 
18:24 methods to turn character to ascii and ascii to character 
18:30 method to check if 2 numbers are relatively prime 

19:15 method to handle setup phase 
22:14 method to send signed messages 

22:41 method to calculate signature params r and s 

23:33 method for signing and sending messages 

24:28 method to handle signature verification 

25:24 method to handle incoming JSON messages 

26:48 test run completed app.

quickly download, import into Eclipse, and run zip file
for 'Public Key Cryptography + Elgamal Digital Signature + JAVA'
